Current USC Students

Current USC students are welcome to apply for admission to USC Kaufman’s BFA in Dance with the understanding that the program takes a full four years to complete. Already accrued work allows you to spend time and units pursuing another major, minor, pre-professional emphasis or progressive degree.

Please note that current USC students are not guaranteed a live audition nor admission to the dance program. Current USC students are given the same consideration as first-year applicants and external transfer applicants. Given the competitive nature of USC Kaufman’s admission process, it is important that current USC students applying to the dance school consider other major options.

Current USC students must submit the following materials:

  • USC Kaufman Portfolio for current USC students, which is accessed directly through SlideRoom.
  • A 500-750 word Statement of Objectives and a STARS Report (sophomores) or high school transcript (freshmen), on SlideRoom, in lieu of the USC Undergraduate Application.

For more information, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.