USC Glorya Kaufman School of Dance proudly presents new academic flag
March 24, 2015
The USC Glorya Kaufman School of Dance is proud to present its academic flag! In accordance with long-standing university traditions, each school develops a flag to be flown at university events, most notably during commencement. From their colors to their design, layout and imagery, flags are highly codified and symbolic representations of the learning experience.
The cardinal and gold sun on the USC Kaufman flag are drawn directly from the university’s official seal. White, the color used in the silhouettes of our dancers, is associated with the arts, letters, and humanities. As a relatively new field of formal study, dance has yet to be assigned its own color. As such, we chose deep purple, a color loved by our founder and patron Glorya Kaufman and one that is often associated with creativity, courage, and spirituality. The pose featured on our flag is drawn from the ballet “Delicate Balance,” choreographed by USC Kaufman’s first Director, Jodie Gates.