Gallery: Open Floor Fall 2018
August 29, 2018

Students pose for a photo at the Fall 2018 OPEN FLOOR event.
On August 21, 2018, over 500 students assembled in McCarthy Quad to participate in OPEN FLOOR: the ultimate dance party and dance club fair. The USC Glorya Kaufman School of Dance and USC dance clubs co-hosted the event, which provided an opportunity for students to learn how they can get involved with dance at USC.
This semester, participants enjoyed a live DJ and free In-N-Out while they conversed with 15 USC dance organizations and several USC Kaufman dance minors, who provided information regarding course offerings and minor programs. Performances by Freshman Dance-Off, USC Ballroom and Latin Dance Team, Break On 2, Illionaire Dance Crew and Trojan Bhangra rounded out the night.
According to Cameo Beard, the primary minor advisor for USC Kaufman, the organizations present received more sign-ups and attention at this event than they regularly would at the university-wide Involvement Fair. Also, this semester marked a record for the most USC dance organizations in attendance.
For more information about pursuing a minor at USC Kaufman, visit the Dance Minors page or contact Student Services Advisor Cameo Beard at