Kaufman Admission Advice – The Video Audition
September 20, 2017

BFA Student Coco Alvarez-Mena | photo by Rose Eichenbaum
USC Kaufman has a two-stage audition process: You first submit two video auditions for review by the faculty committee; finalists are then selected for live auditions taking place in January and February. What do you need to know about and how can you really shine in your video auditions?
Here are the basics…
- Present two solos or excerpts in contrasting styles. (We leave it up to you to interpret “contrasting”)
- Each piece may be no longer than one minute.
- You are welcome to submit original choreography.
- You may include one example of partnering or group work, but you must be very obvious.
While you need not submit professional videos, the faculty committee must be able to clearly see your technique and musicality. You may use previously recorded videos as long as they adhere to all other guidelines.
Here are some filming guidelines…
- Shoot videos in close proximity to the camera while maintaining your full body in frame.
- Do not include any musical overlays.
- Do not use works edited with jump cuts, dissolves, and the like.
- Hold your cell phone horizontally if you plan to film your videos with your cell phone.
With an incredibly talented applicant pool, of which only one-quarter will be granted a live audition, how do you set yourself apart?
Here are some pro tips from our faculty members…
- “Start strong. Think of the first thirty seconds as your first impression. Don’t waste any time.”
- “Follow directions. The admission process asks you to present yourself within certain parameters. Keep to the time limit and follow all filming instructions.”
- “Be yourself and perform what you do best. Remember that we are not looking for any one type of dancer, so pick pieces that reflect your artistry.”
- “Avoid looking at yourself in the mirror. Make conscious choices about where you choose to focus your attention.”
Finally, I would add: Enjoy the process! Think of the audition videos as a chance to show us who you are, knowing that we cannot wait to see you dance!