Message from the Dean
April 9, 2020

Dear Students, Faculty, Staff and Members of the USC Kaufman Community:
On March 23, USC Kaufman embarked on a new era for the School and moved our operations completely online. So much has changed in the last few weeks and we continue to adapt as guidelines from the University as well as from local, state and national governments are established.
Although we are all still adjusting to this new reality, our commitment to providing high-quality dance instruction remains the same. Our faculty and staff have shown tremendous creativity as we translate our daily activities into a virtual format, and our students have been incredibly resilient as they tackle the unique challenges of online dance instruction.
I have been, and continue to be, heartened by your patience and understanding. Thank you for the compassion and concern you have expressed for one another and for the greater USC Kaufman community.
In times of crisis, we turn to the arts for inspiration, comfort, and joy, and that is true now more than ever. We know this transition has been difficult, but in moments of great change, it is artists who step forward and offer a glimpse of the possibilities.
I hope you are all staying safe and healthy as we work through this unprecedented time. Please take care and know that we are all in this together.
Robert Cutietta, Dean
For the latest COVID-19 updates, please visit the University of Southern California’s website, as well as the USC Kaufman-specific page.