2017 Dance On! Week recap in photos

May 15, 2017

Trevor and Jessica in Victor Quijada's "Empirical Quotient." Photo by Rose Eichenbaum

USC Kaufman BFA students Trevor Daw and Jessica Muszynski in Victor Quijada's "Empirical Quotient" | Photo by Rose Eichenbaum

Now in its second year, USC Kaufman’s Dance On! Week is becoming a tradition at USC. Students organized over 10 events from April 21- 28, including showings, workshops, and even a flash mob to celebrate and share their love of dance in all its forms on the USC campus. Here is a photographic recap of 2017’s Dance On! Week:

Elective Experience Showing

April 21 – Dance minors and dance enthusiasts alike gathered together to showcase what they had learned in their elective dance classes during the semester. This packed-house performance kick-started Dance On! Week in a spectacular fashion.

Photos by Mary Mallaney

Dance Club Workshops

April 24 – 25 –  Workshops hosted by the USC Dance Club Council offered any and all on the USC campus the opportunity to groove in sessions curated by student clubs such as Break-Through Hip Hop, Choatic 3, USC Drishti and the Street Dance Society, as well as the Chamber Ballet and USC Xpressions Dance Company.

Photos by Carolyn DiLoreto

Tommy Trojan Dance Party

April 27 – As a testament to the joy and spontaneity of dance, members of USC dance clubs, dance minors and dance majors came together to create a Flash Mob in the heart of campus, right in front of Tommy Trojan, to bring dance into the middle of campus.

Photos by Carolyn DiLoreto

Spring Dance Performance

April 26 – 28 This presentation of  BFA student performances was the true culmination of Dance On! Week. The varied program featured works choreographed by Victor Quijada, Jiří Kylián

William Forsythe, Raphael Xavier, Jodie Gates, and Jessica Lee Keller and Christopher Scott.

Photos by Rose Eichenbaum

By Mary Mallaney