
Event Archive

June 19, 2023

USC to celebrate Juneteenth

Join USC Kaufman and the extended USC community for a virtual celebration on Monday, June 19, at 12 PM.

Cardinal sash with gold lettering and colorful lei

May 12, 2023

Commencement 2023

The USC Glorya Kaufman School of Dance Class of 2023 graduates on Friday, May 12.

May 4, 2023

USC #DayofSCupport

Join your fellow Trojans and support our extraordinary Kaufman students with a gift of any size to the USC Kaufman Scholarship Fund.

USC Kaufman Returns to The Wallis

April 28 - April 30, 2023

Spring BFA Showcase at The Wallis

BFA students from all classes perform a variety of works by USC Kaufman Artists in Residence, faculty, and world-renowned choreographers at The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts in Beverly Hills.  

April 21, 2023

Elective Experience

USC students from a wide range of majors show and celebrate what they’ve learned during their spring dance elective courses, including Hip-Hop, Bollywood and more. 

April 11, 2023

Cypher Celebration

Centering Hip-Hop and Black dance practices at USC Kaufman, Cypher Celebration highlights the sophistication and creativity of real-time Improvisation/Freestyle in this live performance exchange of movement ideas and forms.

April 3 - April 6, 2023

Senior Project Presentations

Members of the Class of 2023 present their senior projects, inspired by their career goals and drawing from their formative experiences at USC Kaufman. 

March 29 - March 30, 2023

Choreographers & Composers

A special collaboration between the USC Glorya Kaufman School of Dance and the USC Thornton School of Music, student choreographers and composers combine their talents for one unforgettable program.

Valerie Chen (BFA '24) and Eileen Kim (BFA '23) | Photo by Matt de la Peña

March 22, 2023

Advanced Composition Showing

Members of the Class of 2023 and 2024 share original works of choreography—an immersive experience of light, sound, and design.