USC Kaufman Student Affairs advises and supports all students at the School of Dance through their degree requirements and programs.

The USC Kaufman Student Affairs team is dedicated to the support, guidance, and encouragement of all Kaufman students toward the development of their academic and professional endeavors.
Degree Requirements
Kaufman Student Affairs has prepared requirement lists and course plans to help guide you toward your degree progress. Read on to review these resources based upon your major.
The Student Affairs team is staffed with Academic Advisors to support students success. Mandatory advisement sessions are required for all students in the Bachelor of Fine Arts Program.
It is important that you schedule your mandatory advisement session before registration begins. These sessions are scheduled every semester and are crucial for your academic success. Your assigned advisor will provide guidance and support as you plan your schedule for the upcoming semester.
To schedule your advisement appointment, please log into MyUSC and select a time that works best for you. Remember, preparation is key! Before your session, be sure to search the Schedule of Classes, research other programs of interest, and complete your Pre-Advisement Form.
The minor is open to all undergraduates in good academic standing. No previous dance experience or audition is required. Complete information about courses of instruction is available through the USC Catalogue.
View the Dance Minor Application. If you have any questions about our minor programs, contact Mikaela Frank, Admission and Student Services Officer, at
D-Clearance Forms
The D-Clearance process is used by the School of Dance to ensure our courses are open only to those who have met required pre-requisites and to manage class enrollment.
Professional Development Leave
The USC Glorya Kaufman School of Dance supports students’ professional development through opportunities with organizations and artists not affiliated with the school, particularly in preparation for their post-graduation careers. Requests for Professional Development Leave must be submitted at least one week prior to the opportunity and require faculty approval for any absences of two or more consecutive classes or scattered dates. Students must ensure that their absences do not interfere with their USC Kaufman commitments, including classes, rehearsals, auditions, costume fittings, and performances, and are responsible for managing their missed work. Approval is contingent on academic standing, with a minimum GPA of 2.75 required, and does not extend to absences from non-Kaufman courses. After faculty signatures, final approval will be granted by the Assistant Dean of Admissions and Student Affairs, and students will be notified of the decision.
Directed Research
Directed Research (DANC 490) (1-16 units) is designed for undergraduate majors or minors at the USC Glorya Kaufman School of Dance who wish to carry out specialized research or performance-related work at an intensive level. The course must cover a topic not currently reflected in USC Kaufman’s course offerings. It must also culminate in a substantial piece of writing, performance, or other project.
Proposals will be reviewed and decided upon by USC Kaufman’s Assistant Dean of Faculty, in consultation with faculty. The review process may take between five to eight business days. Students will be notified of approval via email. After approval, students will be given D-clearance to register for the course online.
Online Resources
Online resources to access class schedules, coursework materials, and more. Not sure where to start? Visit the student hub myUSC.
University Resources
University-wide resources for housing, financial aid, accessibility and more; for a full list, please visit and search on
Health and Wellness
The physical, mental and emotional health of any music professional is a critical ingredient for a successful and satisfying career. USC Kaufman is committed to student health and wellness through information and support.
The USC resources below can help with injury prevention and recovery; ergonomics, exercise and physical therapy; and mental health, including strategies for mindfulness, sleep, nutrition and self-care.
Kaufman Wellness Initiative
The Wellness Initiative seeks to maximize the health and well-being of dancers to enhance training and performance, reduce the risk of injury, and assist with the treatment and rehabilitation of new and existing injuries. Our comprehensive program is a collaborative effort between the University’s medical practitioners, the faculty, and dancers.
Wellness is woven into the curriculum, in courses such as Conditioning for Dancers and Dance Science. Other components include access to a high-specialized team of on-site physical therapists and orthopedic surgeons, and supplemental cross-training sessions in Gyrotonics and Pilates. In addition, USC Kaufman provides mental health resources available specifically for BFA dancers. Wellness workshops and additional resources provided by Kyle Beasley from the Student Services team round out the Wellness Initiative offerings.
Wellness Appointments
Currently offered through the Dance Medicine Program are 20 minute one-on-one Wellness Appointments and 30 minute one-on-one Physical Therapy Injury Appointments. These appointments are provided by USC Kaufman. Wellness appointments are scheduled for dancers that are not having to modify their dancing in class nor rehearsal, but rather looking to improve technique, strength, or flexibility.
Physical Therapy Injury Appointments
Physical Therapy Injury Appointments are scheduled for dancers that are having pain beyond muscle soreness and require modifications in class, rehearsal, performances, or daily life. If you are not sure which appointment to schedule, please schedule a Physical Therapy Injury Appointment. Together with the Dance Medicine Team, we will keep you dancing through the semester.
Wellness & Physical Therapy Appointments
Stay Connected
USC Glorya Kaufman School of Dance Student Affairs is located on the University Park Campus in Administrative Suite at The Glorya Kaufman International Dance Center (KDC). You can reach our office by calling (213) 740-9327 or via email at