November 1, 2019
Fall Works in Progress 2019
Take a peek at the developing repertory of BFA student dancers at this semester’s midterm showings. Tickets are free! However, seating is extremely limited so be sure to make advance reservations.
November 1, 2019
Take a peek at the developing repertory of BFA student dancers at this semester’s midterm showings. Tickets are free! However, seating is extremely limited so be sure to make advance reservations.
November 1, 2019
As part of the centennial celebration, USC Kaufman will present a “MinEvent,” an uninterrupted sequence of excerpts of works by Merce Cunningham.
October 28, 2019
Join us for Video Stage, a screening of original dance films created by USC Kaufman students. The screening will be followed by an intimate discussion with the artists, faculty and special guests.
October 19 - October 20, 2019
Join us for USC Kaufman in Miami! This full-day program for prospective applicants offers an inside look at USC Kaufman’s live audition process.
October 12 - October 13, 2019
Join us for USC Kaufman in NYC! This full-day program for prospective applicants offers an inside look at USC Kaufman’s live audition process.
October 4, 2019
Join us for an open rehearsal of our repertory works! Check-in at the reception desk of the Glorya Kaufman International Dance Center between 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. to receive the rehearsal schedule for the day.
September 14 - September 15, 2019
Join us for USC Kaufman in San Francisco! This full-day program for prospective applicants offers an inside look at USC Kaufman’s live audition process.
August 27, 2019
OPEN FLOOR, co-hosted by USC Kaufman and USC dance clubs, is an opportunity to learn about how you can get involved with dance at USC. Whether you’ve never danced before or have many years of experience, there’s something for you.
May 10, 2019
The USC Glorya Kaufman School of Dance will graduate its first BFA class, the Class of 2019, on Friday, May 10 at the University of Southern California’s Ramo Lawn. No tickets required. Seating is first come, first served.
April 19 - April 26, 2019
Join USC Kaufman and USC Dance Club Council for Dance On! Week, a celebration of dance across campus, April 19-26, 2019. USC students from all majors are invited to participate in free events culminating in the annual USC Kaufman Spring Dance Performance.