
Student Blog

Collage of photos of Evan Sagedencky

October 23, 2020

Student Blog: Dancing with Ate9

Ate9 has been consistently taking the necessary precautions to slow the spread of the virus while keeping our community safe. They require us to wear masks, social distance and regularly wash hands. Once we began in person, everything just fell into place.

Lauren Brophy dancing in the studio.

June 30, 2020

Day in the Life: Freshman Year

Entering my first semester here at the USC Glorya Kaufman School of Dance, I expected a pretty busy schedule in the best way. It sure did deliver! As a dance major, I was so excited to merge both my academics and dance throughout the day.

Benjamin Peralta dancing in the studio.

June 18, 2020

Day in the life: Sophomore Year

A day in the life of a sophomore USC Kaufman student is filled with both dance and academic classes. Through the BFA Core, we gain a foundation in technique, performance and composition, combined with courses in history, theory and more. In addition, we get a well-rounded liberal arts education through the university’s General Education (GE) and Writing program.

Zackery Torres jumping in the studio.

June 12, 2020

Day in the Life: Junior Year

At USC Kaufman, you are able to pick from a variety of concentrations, and that choice informs what classes you take as you progress through your last two years. I have always wanted to dance in a contemporary company, which is why I declared dance performance as a concentration.

Whitney Hester dancing in a green dress.

June 8, 2020

Day in the Life: Senior Year

Senior year was a whirlwind. Between traveling for auditions, finishing up GE courses, and starting a minor, there was never a dull moment. This is a day in my life as as senior at USC Kaufman!

five dancers wearing black pose in a dance studio

March 9, 2020

Student Blog: Choreographers and Composers 2020

This semester, we had the opportunity to engage in a collaborative experience with students from the USC Thornton School of Music and produce our own student works. We were divided into several small groups and were paired with a student composer.

Older dancers leading young students outside

January 31, 2020

Student Blog: Leadership Opportunities at USC Kaufman

USC Kaufman offers a multitude of leadership opportunities. BFA dance majors can represent their class in the Student Advisory Board, teach young students in the community, work with administration, or facilitate their own senior project. We asked a few students about their leadership roles here at USC Kaufman.

Two dancers hold hands and smile at each others as others walk behind them

January 22, 2020

Student Blog: Dancing in Big Wild’s music video

This past year, I had the privilege of dancing the lead role in a music video for Big Wild’s “6’s to 9’s.” I was so excited because this was my first ever professional job and I would not have been able to get the opportunity without my USC Kaufman community!

six dancers leaning to the left with arms up

October 15, 2019

Student Blog: Experiencing “Wonderland” with Barak Marshall

At the USC Glorya Kaufman School of Dance, we have the amazing opportunity to have a variety of artists and choreographers come in and share their knowledge and passion for dance with us. Barak Marshall, one of our Artists in Residence, is currently in the studio with us. He has shared much more than phrase work over these past few weeks.