
Student Blog


January 16, 2018

Student Blog: Freshmen’s first week with Quijada

As the class of 2021’s second semester at Kaufman began, we were already exposed to a wealth of knowledge and information in the first week. Ranging from repertoire and improvisational tasks with William Forsythe, new creation with Sonya Tayeh, Ohad Naharin’s movement language ‘Gaga’ guided by Bret Easterling, and Victor Quijada’s RUBBERBAND Method.


January 10, 2018

Student Blog: Audition anecdotes

By Celine Kiner

Now that I’ve reached the spring semester of my junior year, I remember my USC Kaufman audition in vignettes and sepia tones. It seems ages ago that I was receiving and returning nervous strangers’ smiles in the hallway of PED 207—our gorgeous dance center had not yet been built.


December 4, 2017

Student Blog: Student works onstage

This fall I had the pleasure of being a part of the BFA sophomore student works show. It is always a joy to see how our work with outside choreographers, learned composition and improvisation techniques, and artistic personalities manifest during this process of creation.


November 20, 2017

Student Blog: Aszure Barton’s “Busk”

By Jake Tribus

Working with Aszure Barton and Jonathan Alsberry on Barton’s work “Busk” for the past three weeks has been such a thrilling ride. This piece is a physically, mentally, and emotionally complex one.


November 13, 2017

Student Blog: Onstage with Jon Boogz

Last week, all three classes of USC Kaufman BFAs had the opportunity to work with movement artist Jon Boogz. This was a particularly amazing experience for me because Jon Boogz’s movement vocabulary is based in popping, a West Coast Funk style that I have trained in for the last ten years.

November 6, 2017

Student Blog: Barak Marshall’s Monger

By Alyssa Myers

Recently, the Kaufman building has been filled with excitement, preparing for shows such as the Student Showcase and Midterm Works and Progress. But these are not the only projects that Kaufman students have been working on. For the past three weeks, Barak Marshall (former resident choreographer for Batsheva) has been setting Monger on the sophomore and junior BFA students.


October 23, 2017

Student Blog: Midterm and progress

By Evan Sagadencky

Amid all my preconceived notions and anxieties about performing in my first midterm showing at USC Kaufman, the overwhelming support and love from students and faculty alike made my first showing with Kaufman an unforgettable experience.


October 9, 2017

Student Blog: USC Kaufman in Japan

By Satori Folkes-Stone

I’m still processing last week’s USC Kaufman trip to Tokyo. This was my first time out of the country, and I wasn’t really sure what to expect. It was completely new and exciting, frightening, and exclusive, but highly informative.